Talks and events


Poster presentation at VIB Spatial Omics 2024, Ghent, Belgium “Scalable and interactive spatial omics analysis with Harpy”

Organizing VIB Hackathon on spatial omics tools and methods, Ghent, Belgium

Talk at Single Cell in Ghent meeting, Ghent, Belgium “Progress and questions in spatial proteomics”

VIB Seminar, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Saeyslab @ Wetenschap op Stap, Merelbeke, Belgium

Talk at ABLS2024, Leuven, Belgium “Scalable and interactive spatial omics analysis with Harpy”

SING spatial omics meetup, Leuven, Belgium

FLAIR GC1 Kick-off day, Leuven, Belgium

Nextflow nf-core hackathon, Ghent, Belgium

Nextflow Advanced Training, Ghent, Belgium

Trainer for spatial proteomics data analysis VIB workshop, Ghent, Belgium


Light Sheet Microscopy Day, Leuven, Belgium

Demo at FLAIR Research Day, Mechelen, Belgium “Interactive bioimage analysis”

International Conference on Computer Vision 2023, Paris, France

Talk at EuroBioconductor 2023, Ghent, Belgium “Hackathons are fun!”

Organizing VIB Hackathon on Python/R for single cell, Ghent, Belgium

SpatialData hackathon, Munchen, Germany

Electron Microscopy user meeting, Ghent, Belgium

Poster at RNGS 2023, Ghent, Belgium

Talk for board members Flanders AI, Ghent, Belgium

SaeysLab @ Nerdland, Wachtebeke, Belgium

Saeyslab @ Wetenschap op Stap, Merelbeke, Belgium

Coach for VIB workshop “Effective oral presentations”, Ghent, Belgium

Poster at Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data analysis 2023, Ghent, Belgium


SpaceHack Hackathon, Wittenberg, Germany

Poster at BeNeLearn 2022, Mechelen, Belgium

R2Net Lightning Talk, YouTube

Workshop “Efficient meetings”, Ghent, Belgium

Workshop “Vocal training”, Ghent, Belgium

Talk at ECML PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France

Poster pitch at Flanders AI Research Day, Leuven, Belgium

Poster award at SING event, Ghent, Belgium

Saeyslab @ Wetenschap op Stap, Merelbeke, Belgium

ABLS2022, Leuven, Belgium

UGent course for practical assistents, Ghent, Belgium

VIB workshop “coaching the workshop Effective oral presentations”, Ghent, Belgium

Hackathon napari plugin, online

Workshop “AWS MONAI Label”, online

Received NVIDIA Academic Grant


VIB workshop “Effective oral presentations”, Ghent, Belgium

VIB workshop “How to manage your PhD”, Ghent, Belgium

Started PhD in Computer Science @ SaeysLab, Ghent, Belgium